International Boylove Day (IBLD) is another holiday made up by pedophiles, to further promote child abuse.

This Saturday, June 23, 2007 - Stand up against International Boylove Day!

Friday, February 1, 2008

The Ticking Time Bomb ~ Aztram Arrested!

Breaking news! Harold Spurling aka Aztram of BoyChat arrested in Connecticut along with his roommate Jeffrey Brisson aka The Night Raven.

We previously wrote about Aztram and pointed you to his wikisposure article here.

Aztram had a 'ticking time bomb' theory in which he believed that anti-pedophile persons and child advocates actually want pedophiles to rape and molest children, just so they can say "I told you so".

The truth of course is that nobody can stand the thought of a child being harmed in this way, we don't want pedophiles to molest children to prove a point. No - we want all pedophiles neutralized and society safeguarded from them.

Aztram is a cognitively distorted filthy pedophile and his sorry ass is sitting in a jail right now. I imagine he'll be there awhile considering his bond was set at 2 million dollars. May this baby raper never see the light of day again.

Two New Britain men were arrested Thursday on several counts of sexual assault involving a 3-month girl, a 14-year-old boy and police say there may be more victims.

Harold Spurling, 39, and Jeffrey Brisson, 29, who shared an apartment on Washington Street, also were charged with risk of injury, tampering with a search warrant and interfering with a search warrant.

BoyChat harbors these guys. The Jim Finn's and the Aztram's. Bill Evans, Santi and Slvrspun. Xanadu and Dylan Thomas. Oh yeah. The only remaining question is "what are we going to do with them once we catch them"

These words from Aztram's poem Little Boy

Little boy,
Pull me inside
The sweet dream that is you.
Let me hold you;
Let me breathe you in.
You justify my beating heart.
Those are not the words of a man who "just loves children and would never hurt children"

Those are the words of a pedophile. A child molester. A child predator and a long time member of BoyChat - the haven for child molesters, perverts and the very essence of evil.

See Aztram's wikisposure page for updates.

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